Life is a Never Ending Journey with The Lesson of Spiritual Enlightenment!"

We all are aware with the definition of life as a never ending journey, that always greet us with some treats — sometime pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, but it has to go on.

Here, the lesson of spiritual enlightenment with Swami Vivekananda also teaches us about bringing our lives into light with the practice of meditation. Yes, meditation not medication, the one that gets us away from so many mental and physical sufferings. 

It teaches us as how to transform our lives for the betterment, throwing away the unpleasant thoughts of suffering just by getting to know the deep sense of relief — the realization of nirvana.

The Two Kind of Dimension

Meditation tells us that life has two cores/dimensions, and to win the battle of spiritual journey with enlightenment we are supposed to experience both the ends.

One of them is just like a wave, which is represented by the term historical dimension whereas the other one is referred to the water, the ultimate dimension, or nirvana.

Before getting into the details, let's understand what are these terms waves and water when referring to life.

If we talk about the historical dimension, we can describe the screen where you can experience the emotions by touching or listening to them. 

For instance, the birth certificates and death certificates, the emotions that you encounter in your everyday life, the happiness, the feel of relief, showering of concerns depending upon the situations, and more.

Whereas the ultimate dimension, takes you to something beyond, that can be experienced only in the energy level, you can not show them to others, you can feel them but you don't have words to express your feeling and emotions. 

Here, we represent the historical dimension with waves, the world — where it is characterized by ups and downs of life, the birth and death, happiness and sadness, etc.

They can be touched and felt, you can show them to others and express them as well. Moreover, there is a start point and a destination to define a wave "the Life." 

However, with water, there is no start and end point — Of course, but there is a continuation. 

Here, others can see these water as well, but to experience it they have to get into it — like it's temperature with chillness, warmth, etc. The water is considered to be something with no life cycle of birth and death. It is the path to liberation and enlightenment.

Everthing is born from Nothing to be Something - What does it Mean?

If you remember there is a funny joke being cracked in our early days whether it was the egg born from the hen, or it was the hen born from the egg?

Well, the answer is still unknown, but here this statement defines the life cycle within — Existence or Nonexistence. 

Logically, if we approach the context, it’s like if there is no existence, how could it be possible for a newborn? as the baby needs a womb of a mother to be alive and grow.

The philisopher Nagarjuna says that if there is an existence of something then it can never be born. So, if there has to be a birth then there must be something; from no one you can become someone. But no one can be born from nothing.

I know the true essence of the life is beautiful but some context makes it too complicated to understand. 

Well, in simple terms let me tell you if you want a flower to be born, then you must need some soil, seeds, minerals, sunshine, water, etc., for it to grow and bloom well on time.

Similarly, meditation tells us that everything in this world is energy and there is no-birth required to experience these energies as they can be a non-living things as well.

      “Life can be referred to continuation.”

Continuation teaches us the great meaning of a never ending cycle where people take birth and die but the souls will never die, they will continue their next life in some other form, so there is no need to feel sorry about.

But, this explanation can be understood by the spiritual people alone. 

If you want to get it well in terms of the practical world —- 

Then it is like : At the age 100 year when you look back at your generation, you have given birth to so many childrens, grand childrens, great-grand childrens and so on. 

So, now if you die you are not dying exactly but you have left your seed in the form of your generation and continuing the jouney of your life through them.

I know now you must have understood well the concept of Life is a continuation.

According to Buddha “When conditions are sufficient, the body reveals itself, and we say the body is. When conditions are not sufficient, the body cannot be perceived by us, and we say the body is not.” 

So, it is important to understand the concept of death to get to know the path of spirituality. 

The day of our continuation after our death will instantly gets into some other form — the other end to experience the realm of spiritual journey "ultimate dimension."

Love and Light to All Pure Souls!

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