Whatever be our state of mind, when someone comes to us and talks about death - our energy drops into pieces and we feel sorry for the situation and person. Right!
I know none of us can regret our thoughts on death. This is often because our outlook on death is still with respect to our 3D world not beyond. Now, it is up to us as to how we want to tackle this — want to stay bound to this term with transience of everything or not?
I am not saying that we must forget them and move on instantly, but my concern is — Is it correct to grieve for the same for a long time?
If we have a look at Hindu mythological stories, we have Kaushalya who warns Dashratha in Ramayana before sending Ram for Vanavasa: “Grief destroys courage. It destroys one’s learning and all noble attributes. There is no enemy greater than grief.”
Here, itself it showed that death can never be accepted with a courageous heart and deep eyes?
How Krishna Relates Death with Moksha
However, this question has been answered by Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, where Krishna relates death with moksha.
At the beginning of the Mahabharat War, Arjuna is very confused and doubtful as to whether to stand against his own family members. Henceforth, he had almost refused to fight, somewhere he had been caught by the grief of killing his teachers and elders in the war.
When Krishna got to know about Ajuna's situation he revealed the lesson behind as a compassionate teacher — “There was never a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor these rulers of men. Nor shall we ever cease to be hereafter.”
In simple terms, Krishna explains Arjuna that we all are Atman — Indestructible and Eternal, that can never be destroyed.
Our divine purpose is to fight for dharma forever whether be in the past, present, or future. So, never mistaken yourself to be a body, if you ever do so then you will get involved in the cycle of life and death, so be aware Arjuna.
Furthermore, Krishna reveals —- “the unreal has no existence and that which is real never ceases to be.”
Now, when Arjun asks for the explanation. Krishan reveals that there is no term as death that exists — it is simply the circle of Maya, an illusion that appears to be true but it's not.
Death is just a dream that we see with our open eyes within the realms of duality. It has been indicated by our wrong thinking and attachments to our anger and ego, where we always refer to ourselves to be 'me' or 'mine.'
If you want to experience the Infinite Reality of Death, get to know that there is no creation as well as dissolution of our bodies and to liberate our soul we don't have to experience any physical death.
Krishna finally ends —
The thought that it is always better to focus on the Eternal Atman, by shifting your reality.
You can attain this by following the path of dharma and gaining self-knowledge, so that everyone around you can transcend the limitations of material life.
Gita's these precious teachings always remind us that it is our responsibility to look for things beyond death and get involved in the truth of Atman.
If we ever missed upon this then we may unknowingly be chosen to circulate in the cycle of samsara, where our soul will never reach the level of self-realization.
Foremost, will never understand what Krishna said “is never born and it never dies. It is always alive. Unborn, eternal, everlasting and most ancient, it is not killed when the body is killed.”
You can get the same teaches with Swami Vivekananda's teaching also.
"It is the Moksha, that celebrates life over death — So become liberated within yourselves."
Now, here Krishna's message conforms that as per divine there is no beginning and ending. No one in this universe has to feel grief over death. So, why should someone react to any situation which is worthless spending time on?
Understand and Transcend the finite to become the most peaceful being within.
Henceforth, despite contemplating death in fear, it's time to celebrate the birth and feel gratitude for whatever you have in your current existence.
This will get you close to the divine and make you unit with the one source "The Universe."
Although the teaching of Krishna over death is simple, but the meaning carries a treasure within.
Think Over and Try to Enjoy Your Current Divine bless life.
Love and Light to All Pure Souls!
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